Thursday, December 25, 2008


The excitement of going out to visit our families on Christmas day is at a stand still. Bummer. We are very very snowed in. This should be sort of fun, but I feel very trapped! Here are some pictures that we took several hours ago, and it just keeps coming. I'm thinking we're trapped for the day...

The snow drifts up the side of our house.

Derrick's car isn't going anywhere any time soon!
...such an inviting entrance way, eh???

We can't even see out of our windows, since the wind has blown all the snow onto the screens. It really adds to the whole 'feeling trapped' thing.
This is what I got when I opened the front door.

So, to our friends and family...Merry Christmas!
I wish we were with y'all right now!
(and what on earth am I going to do with the 2 pans of cheesy potatoes that I've already made)


tysonandmandimoser said...

Tyson just got less hungry, if you have the potatoes we may stay here. Great minds think alike-I love your title "Trapped!"

Nicky said...

And the rest of the story...(it just got better from there didn't it?)

farmgirl said...

All that snow!! School was canceled for a day down here last week and we only had about three inches...wimps! Nicky's got me pretty curious- how was your drive? I need the rest of the story.

Ruth Swaner said...

I am sooo glad that you and those cheesy potatoes made it to our house!!! Love MOM S>

Kent and Kathy Moser said...

Definitely a Christmas to remember!

Kent and Kathy Moser said...

Oops, I didn't realize your mom was signed in... that last one was me.

jennaloha said...

When I heard my parents got snowed in Christmas morning I was immediately homesick! I bet it was beautiful! Merry Christmas to my old desert friend-

And thanks for the Christmas card. All those warm winter articles of clothing you were wearing, what were those called again?