Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The sweetest things come in big and little packages! This is a picture of Desmond (the little one) with his cousin, Kamden (the not so little one). They are about 5 weeks apart in age, and they are just both so sweet. My sister and I bought these pj's together a few months ago, thinking that maybe if we went shopping we could get ourselves excited for the whole 'baby thing'. WHAT WERE WE THINKING??? How could we not be totally ecstatic that we get to be the lucky mommies of these precious little boys!


The Pili Aiga said...

I love those little gown sleepers. It always makes me sad when my babies outgrow them. So Desmond definitely looks like a Swaner. It will be fun to see how his looks change and whom he will most resemble. He's just so cute. Hope you are getting some sleep. I bet Myah is a little Mommy for sure. :)

Maria said...

So cute. 2 pounds (more by now I'm sure) really makes a difference when they are so little! Wish we could come hold your sweet little guy! He won't be quite so new when we see him - whenever that will be!

Nicky said...

I have had the same could we not have been thrilled the entire 9 months??!! Everytime I visited the "porceline throne" to get rid of breakfast, lunch, dinner...I should have been cheering, not complaining - just knowing what the outcome would be! I don't mean that sarcastically either! They are so dang sweet!!!

Unknown said...

So stinkin' cute! It is amazing what 5 weeks id that first year!

Nicky said...

Jarin is looking at these pictures, and says, "That is Kamden, and that is 'Buddy'". I tell him, "no, that is Desmond", he tells me no and insists that Desmonds name is "Buddy". Hence, a new nickname is born!

Ruth Swaner said...

So Cute little Des is...It was wonderful to hold him and see you guys. Love, Grandma S. Hey Kelli you really think this is ALL the grandchildren I'm to have from everyone? Oh Chucks, that means Christina will pass me up soon. Love, Mom S.