Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So how do we know exactly when we've reached the point of absolute insanity? I'm not exactly sure, but I think I might have reached it last week. The very idea of having another baby is pretty insane for me, but just to really top things off, we went camping for four days, with only about ten days until delivery. But yu know, I'm soooo glad I did it. The only thing that could have made me even more nuts is to sit here all weekend knowing that my whole family was up having a great time without me! It's just one of those events that I look forward to the very most, and it would take something pretty big (even bigger than my belly) to keep me away! I figure that if some family members can drive all the way from California and Colorado to attend, then surely I could deal with a tired body and swollen ankles for a few days!
My sister (Kim) brought marshmallow guns for all of the kids, although some of the adults had their play time with the guns too! The entire camp was covered in mini marshmallows. I don't know if they'll ever come off of our shoes!
Derrick and some of the family even got to take a hike over to Bloomington Lake. I didn't...but I did get to hike up to the beautiful spring (only about a mile). It made my week, really.

And, as always, the food was beyond yummy! Thanks everyone for helping me end this pregnancy feeling great (and very very tired). We all had such a great time, and made even many more great memories!

To my Vegas friends...that white stuff you see in the background...SNOW!!! (in august)

The Bloomington hikers
Zac...doesn't that water look so refreshing?
Derrick and Todd (my brother)
The wild bunch
I like to call these 2 pictures...'And then there was one'. The top picture is my sister (nicky), my sister in law (Yuri) and myself a few months ago. I think it was Mother's day. The picture below was taken this past week, still with Nicky and Yuri and I, but also Luci and Brittney (my 2 nieces). Obviously, they've all had babies recently...except for me! I'm the only one left, and I didn't love having this picture taken at all! It was like pouring salt on a wound! But I'm sure in a couple of weeks, I'll join in the laughter.

Myah and Rylee...gearing up for a ride.
The Bloomington bunch. This rock is a traditional resting spot.
Myah and I.
Tannon got a really nasty mosquito bite near his eye. His whole face swelled up, and still is a bit swollen. Poor kid.
Myah and Rylee practicing their ballroom dance. Too much TV time with mommy I suppose!
Myah, Jarin, and Parker.
Kim and Frank...and Princess.

Karlie, Myah, Tiana, Rylee.


Nicky said...

The salt on the wound will be when your little 6 pound baby is born, and my 1 month old will look like a giant already. Now THAT is pouring salt on a wound. No one loves to see their baby grow out of the infant stage! You were quite the trooper camping - I felt for you - but you did it!

Unknown said...

Glad you had fun. Also quite glad you did not have your baby up there. Would have been...um..interesting!

Hang in there.

Huffstuff said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to stay home, lots of fun memories were made Im sure. And as far as being last to deliver your baby, well I always say last is best. Right? You are AWESOME! hang in there.

Victoria said...

I'm so glad you were able to get away and that the baby stayed put for a few more days! The picture of you and Myah is so cute. You look awesome!

The Pili Aiga said...

I love the "then there was one" photo. Watch a big, precious group of babies. Myah is so gorgeous...gotta keep an eye on that one when she gets older :) The snow made me very jealous as well as the lake. I felt like I could dive right in....we had an excessive heat warning today. And by the way, you are adorable pregnant and you don't even look like you're almost due. I look like that at five months....seriously. Great job on going camping. Looks like you had a lot of fun :0)

Ruth Swaner said...

Kelli, you have the neastest blog. You'll have to show me sometime how to have music and good visual images. Hey, I just wanted to wish you luck and our prayers are with you on that new baby. Keep us posted. Love Mom Swaner

Anonymous said...

Oh I am jealous! All the pictures were fun to see thanks for posting. Myah and Rylee look like best buds, how cute they are!