Sunday, August 17, 2008

Here's What I Know

I don't really know much about life for sure, but this is what I know...

1). Things happen for a reason. That doesn't always mean things go my way, but in the long run, I will come out a better person. I guess that's where that whole 'trust' part comes into things.

2). Great friends make anything 'doable'. After the past few months, I feel like I could go on for days about the importance of great friends, and yes, Derrick is right at the top of that list. Just recently, some of those really awesome people have done things like bringing yummy dinners (one in particular who just had a new baby...thanks Victoria), brought flowers and well wishes (thanks Shaleece), watched my kids, listened to me complain, cleaned my house, taken me to a really long lunch where I could vent for hours, rubbed my belly and told me I look cute (ya, I actually like it when people touch my tummy...well, most people...and only when I'm preganant!), given me their bed for a good nights rest (thanks mom and dad), and tolerated my huge mood swings (thanks everyone!!!). Not to mention the phone calls (some of which I still need to return...sorry Gabe and Amy), the cheerful emails and encouraging blog comments, the fact that some people are doing WAY more than their share in our Young Women's calling (shout out to Janelle and Michelle), the prayers that have been said (how can I even begin to thank you for that), the treats delivered and the visiting teachers going way above and beyond. Seriously, how can I even begin to repay all of that kindness and service??? Please just know that I really am thankful for every one of you, and when I say my prayers, I thank Heavenly Father for really great friends!

3) Tigger or Eeyore??? I still choose Tigger. I know I've been a bit of Eeyore lately, but it must just be hormonal, right????

4) Delivery day is tomorrow, and there is one thing that I will really miss about this experience. Myah is so fascinated with pregnancy and loves to rub and kiss my belly. It melts my heart. My favorite is when she sings this funny little song she made up. It goes like this (to the tune of the traditional conga line with the emphasis on the end of Bell 'AY'), 'Mama's got a belly, Mama's got a belly...' I think it's so funny when we're in a public restroom and she's singing her little song whilewe're in a stall and people can't see what she's talking about. I think when we come out of the stall, it must explain a lot.

5) Kids really are the victim of our choices. Good or bad, they pay the price for the choices we make. I think our kids mostly have it good, but once in a while I feel like I take advantage of the fact that 'I'm the mom, and I said so'.

6) The gospel brings nothing but happiness into my life. Even when I sometimes get overwhelmed with the responsibilities of living the gospel, I still can't help but notice that everything about it makes me happy! Hard work may be a sacrifice, but the greatest blessings come from sacrifice, and I just love it! I know that it's true and I have a testimony, but the fact that it makes me so happy is probably the real reason we continue to live it and believe so strongly.

7) Fall is the best! I feel a bit of fall in the air, and it makes me so happy! I love the crispnesss in the air, the kids going back to school (because routine is so good for all of us), the smells of warm comfort foods, harvesting the garden, fall clothes.....I could go on and on.

So there we have it! That's what I know. Perhaps somewhat random and unorganized, but I wanted to write it down, and besides...I'm just passing time. My question for the day though, is what do you know? I would just love to read about it!


Leslie said...

Rest assured Kelli, It is JUST the pregnancy~ You will be back to normal in no time! i remember wondering how "normal" felt and then after having the baby going "Wow! That's how I REALLY am". Good luck with it all! You are a great person and I have ALWAYS looked up to you. I loved this post. It made me more grateful for my blessings and made me think more about being a better mom and about the gospel! Can't wait to hear the baby news!!!!

Nicky said...

Love the post idea. It is too much deep thinking to post it on mine today, but give me a few days to think, and I'll follow your example on this post. Can't wait to meet baby Swaner.

jennaloha said...

Good luck tomorrow! I thought you were going to be delivering soon. I'll be waiting to hear the good news.

The Pili Aiga said...

You're awesome Kel :) I can't wait to see pictures of your precious little boy. I will keep you and baby in my prayers and hope it all goes well. I love reading your posts because they always make me feel optimistic and happy.