Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Day!

Myah had a really great day yesterday. Her cousin, Abby, who has been living in India, just returned to the U.S. and came to spend the day with us. The two girls are very nearly the same age, and get along fabulously! They are just weeks apart in age, and it's so funny to see how similar they look and act...like two little peas in a pod. Cousins are great!

Skyler got to spend the day with Ian. I've never really noticed how similar they are too. They were happy to spend the day playing board games, and had a lot of fun. (no pictures of the two of them though, bummer)

It was a real treat to have friends to play with yesterday (for me too!). Thanks Amy, for making the drive and taking the time to hang out with us!


Maria said...

Wow, they DO look a lot alike! Cousins are the best! Some of my best friends are my cousins. Too bad India is so far away!


No, they just moved back from India, so they're on their way back to their home in Phoenix. Still much too far away! k

Nicky said...

they moved back? I'll bet their all thrilled. Looks like it was a fun day.

Unknown said...

How fun for them!

The Pili Aiga said...

Okay, these two really do look a like alike. More like sisters than cousins. I love it when we can get together with family. :)