Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Just Don't Get It

There are some things that I just don't get. I guess that they are 'life's great mysteries'. For example...Why are there NEVER enough hangers? I buy more and more and more hangers, but we're always just a few short. I haven't been buying more clothes, so where are the hangers going? It's a mystery.

Also, why oh why do they give us the little packet of extra thread when we buy a sweater? Has ANYONE ever actually repaired a snag in a sweater with the extra supply of thread? I mean, a spare button, I get that...but thread???

And...does anyone in my house (other than me) know how to put a new garbage bag in the trash can? Yesterday, after I emptied the trash bag that was piled to the ceiling (another topic for another day), I forgot to put in a new bag. After just a few minutes, I came back to the kitchen to find a whole pile of trash sitting on top of the counter next to the garbage can. Thank you so much guys for not throwing the trash into the can without a bag. That was really very thoughtful.

Ok, here's another one. Are olives good or bad for me? I really like olives, and I'm pretty well educated about nutrition, but olives are just a mystery. I mean, they grow on trees, and they don't have any sugar...but why do I feel like I'm splurging just a little when I put olives in my salad? Just wondering.

Lastly, what on earth was anyone thinking when they planned a 4 day weekend just 2 weeks after Christmas vacation? I know, Martin Luther King was a really great man. And I can respect that, but can't we celebrate his accomplishments while at school? Just wondering. On a selfish note, I'm just getting into the swing of things, and I'm soooo not ready for another long weekend! Especially in the dead of winter.

These are the things that keep me up at night. So what puzzles you?


Leslie said...

I agree with all of your lifes mysteries- I have asked myself many of those same questions! GO FIGURE. It's a bummer that olives have natural fat (like avocados) but their kind of fat is better than the other kinds of fats like in cookies/cakes/candy etc...p.s. The Bosch just makes baking (especially bread) SO much easier!!! That's all! :)

Unknown said...

I am with you on the four day weekend. It almost took this amount of time to clean up after them!
I wonder why Hollywood only gives us good movies two times a year yet they make millions of dollars and why Bauer HATES men who come over if Dave is not home. (like a repair guy). How would he even know that?

FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY said... couldn't even pay me to live without avocadoes. Maybe I'm attracted to 'good fat'.

farmgirl said...

The mysteries of life know no boundaries...Here's what I wonder- Why can't any one manage to keep a tube of toothpaste reasonably clean? Why do we need to open EVERY bar of soap? Who is "I don't know" and why are they eating all the brownies? What is the deficiency that causes selective hearing in children and why does it always flair up when it is time to do chores, homework, or shut the TV/computer off?
Just a few things that make you go hhmmmm.....

Nicky said...

I wish that I knew your kids were off school Friday. My kids were begging to spend the day with your kids. I told them they were in school. You don't want to know my mysteries, cuz they are probably obvious to everyone else. For example, why is it that all the really YUMMY foods are unhealthy? Can't there be a chocolate chip cookie that actually makes us lose weight instead of gain?

tysonandmandimoser said...

Olives must be OK, because isn't that where olive oil comes from? OR am I way off? By the way, are you related to my husband? You two think of really wierd things.

Maria said...

Garbage bag!! Ahhh, it is not hard to replace! I think I must be the only one who knows how do it too.

jennaloha said...

I'm puzzled about why children don't value sleeping in. I have to shake them out of a deep sleep on school days, but today, that blessed MLK Jr day of which you lament, they are up on their own earlier than when I usually wake them. I don't get it.

Jamie said...

Hi cutie Swaners! I have a lot of blogging to catch up on here, but I just wanted to pass along the message to Derrick that Shaun Krikham is lookin' for him on Facebook. Teel Derrick to email Shaun at
We've been havign a tiny little NCRM reunion over there with Wendi Abel, Sarah Black, John Wilcox, Kristin MacDonald Lebaron, etc...yay for mission friends!
PS: I am sooooo with you about the cabin fever and the long weekend.

Anonymous said...

I feel ya...will someone also tell me if olives are good or bad???
I liked this post very creative!