Friday, July 11, 2008

Tigger or Eeyore?

This one is for my effort in keeping a journal, so don't feel obligated to read on! After being married to Derrick for thirteen years, I've noticed certain patterns in the way we handle life and it's stresses. I often tease him that he's being an 'Eeyore' because he tends to be more of a realist, looking at the worst possible scenario first. I'm sure he hopes for the best, but just prepares himself for the worst. Sometimes it makes me crazy. I always go for the 'Tigger' attitude, because I try so hard not to be a negative person (not saying that he is though). I think I have a little corner of my mind that I do try and prepare myself for the worst case, but on the surface, I'm all about positive thinking. Perhaps I am a little unrealistic, but I feel like we're on a teeter-totter and we have to keep it all balanced. I think that maybe I hope that I can change the outcome through my attitude. After my calling him 'Eeyore', he tells me that everyone knows that 'Tigger' is completely annoying! So Derrick and I sometimes get frustrated with each other since I tell him he's 'negative' and he tells me I'm 'unrealistic'. of lately, we have one particular rock that we're up against (and it's only a possibility, not a definite), and we've had a complete role reversal. I just can't help but assume the worst, and he is all about 'having a good feeling' and 'everything will be fine'. I've always said that attitude is a choice, but at this point I guess I'm choosing to have a bad one. Thank goodness he's balancing me out on that old teeter-totter, and do you know how much trouble he would be in if he even thought about calling me an 'Eeyore'? Life is good, and Derrick makes it all soooo much better! Thanks babe!


Victoria said...

I loved this post. We have the same thing at our house. Marc is far from being an Eeyore but that's the term that I've used in response to his logical/realistic thinking. Mostly when he is overwhelmed with work, home, me etc he tends to give off hmmps and fudges which makes me think of Eeyore. But then when I'm the Eeyore he totally steps up the plate and supports me.
Aren't our husbands the best?!

Unknown said...

You forgot the Pooh option. Blissfully unaware there is conflict in the world at all. Today I Will be Pooh. (but usually Tigger.)

Huffstuff said...

I love it. It totally fits and I think a lot of husbands are like that.

Anonymous said...

How cute...that is definetly you guys in a nut shell. We are here to balance eachother out, even when the roles are reversed, right?

The Pili Aiga said...

Isn't it great to be married long enough to start considering Tigger or Eeyore? :)