Friday, July 18, 2008


This was my conversation with Myah yesterday.
Myah: Mom, how did the baby get in your tummy?
Me: Heavenly Father sent us a very precious gift, and we get to have a baby.
Myah: But how did Heavenly Father get it there?
Me: He made mommy's bodies so that they can have a baby in their tummies.
Myah: So how did the baby get in your tummy?
Me: He grew there, kind of like when we plant a seed and it grows.
Myah: Heavenly Father planted a seed?
Me: No, me and daddy planted a seed, and Heavenly Father sent a little spirit to us.
Myah: Like the seeds we plant in the garden?
Me: Ya
Myah: So can we get the seed out today?
Me: Nope, he's not big enough yet.
Myah: Why not?
Me: It's like a baby chick in an egg, we don't want him to come out until he's ready.
Myah: So when will the egg crack open???
Me: .........

I'm all about being anatomically and biologically correct, but she's only 4! It didn't really seem to work out the way I hoped! My daughter will now grow up thinking that mommies lay eggs and then babies crack out of those eggs when they are big enough! I guess I better think this through and have a little more accurate explanation for her before we go have the baby! My boys were never quite so quizzical about these things! Any suggestions???


Maria said...

Oh boy... :)

kayelyn said...

she is so curious!

Huffstuff said...

AAAAaaa! well, I have that magazine called "a baby is born" don't know if you know which one, but I'd have to look at it again to see if it would be okay to show Myah. Gotta love those conversations.

Unknown said...

LOL yah- my idea is better suited for her in 6 years.

Jen Merrill said...

'the truth shall set you free'- some like to say.... or in this case, 'the truth may set you up for more questions than youre willing to answer truthfully'.... ~hehe~ glad its not me thats going to crack open...

Leslie said...

That's funny ~ those conversations are always really fun! :) I don't know exactly how you explain it to a 4 year old... YIKES! Good luck with that one!

Victoria said...

There is a certain time when little white lies are good and I think you picked the right time. They get older soon enough and then the 'talk' will happen LOL!
Good Luck...

Ruth Swaner said...

What a riot! How funny is that? I love it. I hope she still asks until she 16 and then you will have the real deal for her. It's interesting that she the girl is so curious and the brothers don't have that need.

jennaloha said...

Hey Kelli, I tried to call you but I can't tell if the nummber I have for you is correct. I'm in Rexburg. Call me.

Nicky said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Can't wait to hear the sequel on that one! If it's any consolation, Emilie asked me the same questions - I was just ornery enough at the moment to tell her to ask me later - and that was that!

The Pili Aiga said...

Nope, no ideas...but this is way funny. That's a girl for ya. My girls are way more inquisitive about things. With the boys, I can just give them an answer and they'll go with it. The girls keep going on and on.