Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Memory Lane

My friend had this tag on her blog today, and I really liked it...especially for journaling purposes. I hope it doesn't seem vain on my part, but I'm excited to return the memory on your blogs. So if you want to play along...
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Unknown said...

I can do this one. I remember going to your 1st apartment- before you were married- and you excitedly telling us that this would go here and that would go there. I remember the cute glass French door going into the bed room and when I commented on that- you were super excited- like it was your favorite part.

The Pili Aiga said...

I wish we had more memories because you are such a great person. My memory is of your cute little Zac and his first day of kindergarten. You probably don't even know it, but you looked at him with such a sweet face on the first day of school. It was one of concern as well as "go on, have some fun". You are such a laid back fun person ... your children are very lucky to have you as their mother. :)

Victoria said...

I have a couple of memories because this first one includes Derrick. When we first moved into the ward we attended the BBQ at the FMC park and while people were somewhat friendly no one really talked to us until we go in line behind you guys and then you and especially Derrick were so nice to us and spent the whole time talking.
And my memory of you is at one of our YW meetings when we had a concern about something and I wanted to speak up and say that the situation wasn't a big deal and we don't want to offend anyone but I was a little nervous to say it but then you did and I was so impressed because we had been thinking the exact same thing. I love that you are so down to earth and relaxed.

Thanks again for the cake and visit. It made my day to get to chat with you and the cake was scrumpious!! p.s. you look so good too.

Victoria said...

Sorry my last comment was so long and sounds so funny. I just re-read it and its a littl wordy but hey, I'm low on sleep!

Huffstuff said...

I have many, but I will go back to the first time we met. Back to school night, I was hugely pregnant and not real social. You and your family were great and made me feel welcome. We were both new move-ins and I knew our kids and we would be great friends. Thanks for being so awesome.

Nicky said...

hmmmmmm...are you sure you want me to post this? It could be ugly you know! I remember my little sister who always followed me everywhere, wore my clothes without asking, made my room a mess (always your mess-never mine!) Then theres the times of talking late into the night of what we want Santa Claus to bring, playing dolls and house. My best memories have been in our adult lives, with you tutoring me in math, our visits to each others houses when we've lived away from each other, and our sitting in lawn chairs with our feet in the kids swimming pool, as we talk all day about any subject that crossed our minds. This summer of pregnant bellies, and new babies will definentally be added to my memory bank!


There have been 2 memories left that didn't add the tag to their own blogs, so therefore I'll add my memories of my sister Nicky, and my great friend Shaleece to my own comments.

First, Nicky...I remember placing tape down the middle of the room to keep 'our sides' separate. Really, it didn't matter, because both sides were a mess! And I don't think I wore your clothes, I was always bigger than you. I always remember having Tannon and Emily as babies, and bathing them in the 2 kitchen sinks at my house together. I'm glad we get to go through this together yet again!

Shaleece...I remember taking the kids down to the pool and sitting next to the water for hours, watching the girls play in the water. Conversation with you has always been easy, and perhaps I just talk way too much! I was so completely relieved when I found out that you were my 'co-cubmaster' in scouts. It made it so much easier to be in there with a great friend!