Thursday, April 16, 2009

An Update of Why I Haven't Updated

I haven't blogged for a while, and I'm not really going to right now either. But I am going to share my excuses for NOT blogging.
1. Doctors appointments. Way too many trips to the doc.
2. Pneumonia...Zac, going on 3 weeks of absolute misery.
3. Infection (me, myself and I...not wanting to go into great detail.)
4. Loss of the ability to nurse...due to before mentioned infection that I don't want to go into great detail about)
6. Cold turkey...teaching Des to take formula...due to before mentioned loss of ability to nurse, due to before mentioned infection...that I don't really want to go into great detail about. He'd never even had a bottle at all. He still looks at me like I've really let him down every time I give him a bottle.
6. Exercising....I always swore that my body isn't one of those that burns calories while nursing. But now that I quit nursing, I'm packing on the poundage. (not a good thing with the biggest loser challenge) I thought the weight would just magically disappear when I stopped. WRONG. So I'm trying really hard to counterbalance the forces of nature with a good workout every day.
7. Laptop issues. It's funny how dependent we get on those dumb things. And I'm too lazy to come downstairs and use the computer.

That's it! So I'll be back and update soon!


farmgirl said...

Oh, that stinks!! Pretty much all of it. Sick kid, sickly you, baby bottle issues, lap top all sounds super annoying. :(
I hope it all gets worked out soon. Hat's off to you for working out every day--GOOD JOB!! I will use you as my inspiration. There is NO WAY I am going to be ready for the Wasatch Back if I don't get it into gear REAL soon. If you can do it with all that going can I!! :D

Nicky said...

Geesh...I don't talk to you in a couple weeks, and everything falls apart. I guess that's probably why I haven't talked to you in a couple of weeks...lifes been busy. I didn't know that your infecction led to you not nursing Des anymore (oh, sorry...was that too much detail? lol) I'm sorry, that's a real bummer! Hope Zacky is doing better...keep us posted.

jennaloha said...

Every time you say you don't want to give details it makes me crave the details. You better email me or something.

Unknown said...

eh- sounds like all valid reasons to me! I am going to mail you a surprise this week- and what ever you are thinking it are wrong.

(I love being so mean! :D)

Victoria said...

Well, I've missed you. Glad you updated. I'm sad you can't nurse Des anymore. Bailee just took a bottle for the first time last week when I left her for the first time EVER. Our first date WITHOUT only took 9 months.

I hope you are feeling better and Zac too. How miserable!