Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Belated Easter Wishes

I hope everyone had a nice Easter. I just love Easter weekend. I love that there is still a holiday that, at least at our house, still manages to stay focused on it's meaning. I love all of the symbolism of spring bringing new life and the resurrection. I love that it is overall a very spiritual holiday. Normally, the Easter bunny does slip by and leave a treat on Saturday, but this year, he didn't make it until Sunday after church. As it turns out, the whole family stayed home sick except for Derrick and Tannon. Myah was determined to wear her new Easter dress anyways, so she wore it around the house all day. She thought she looked like Bell (from Beauty and the Beast).

Here's the sicklies. (still can't resist helping little bro and sis look for eggs)
After exerting all of our energy looking for Easter eggs, we took a nice Sunday afternoon trampoline nap. One of my favorite pastimes.
And we even saved the Easter bunny a few nice, big carrots! We didn't manage to get them harvested last fall, and apparently, they continued growing over the winter months. Funny thing is, they are still good. I guess that's one way to store carrots for the winter, right?


Nicky said...

That is a way to store carrots for the winter - we've done it before. Your actually supposed to put some mulch (leaves, straw or cut grass) over them to protect them, but they are even sweeter in the spring than in the fall. We missed you for Easter, but glad you stayed away!

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun day! Glad it was warm for you. It was super nice here that day too.

Maria said...

Oh my heck! Des is HUGE! He has grown and changed a lot since the last pictures we saw (hives don't count...) So cute.

farmgirl said...

Your bambino is so big! Look at him sitting up!! I love Myah's Easter dress and I love that she wore it any way-you should never let a cute dress go to waste. I seriously didn't think those were real carrots at first glance--those are crazy huge!

tysonandmandimoser said...

I love Easter too, it is such a relaxing stress free holiday when we get to think about the Savior and reflect on his life.

bobbi said...

HUGE carrots!!! Wow-- good job for storing those on accident! Sorry you have all been sick! I hope everyone starts getting well and back to normal!:)