Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Oops, She Did It Again

After my last post about our ski day, my little brother commented about the craziness of letting Myah ski...with her track record. It made me laugh, and reminisce about that little track record.

A year and a half ago, while I was out of town, Myah had a little accident...and I got the phone call that no parent wants to receive. While she was playing hide-n-seek with her brothers, she stepped on the shop vac hose and fell on the hard wood floor, breaking her femur. The femur is supposed to be the hardest bone in the body to break. Not so for our little Myah! So I raced home and by the time I arrived, she was just coming out of the OR (although we were lucky and they were able to set it without cutting) with her hot pink spicah cast on. She was casted from just below her armpits all the way down her body and her broken leg. She was to remain that way for 8-10 weeks, which made for a very long winter for us. We had just finished potty training her, and needless to say, we had to start over with that after the cast came off. But our little girl was a trooper. Her world consisted of the couch for 8 weeks and she tried her very best to stay entertained. Near the end, she learned how to lay on the floor and use her upper body to pull herself around, or to roll her body in the general direction she wanted to go. She got the cast off the day before Christmas and got to spend her Christmas learning how to stand and walk again.

So while that was tramatic, that doesn't account for the 'track record' that my little brother referred to in his comment. But only a couple of months later (2 days before our disneyland trip), Myah was playing with her brothers again, and fell off of a piggy back...breaking her collar bone. So yes, there really is a bit of a track record!

I'm happy to say that we've been accidentless for a whole year now...so it's time to ski, right???


Nicky said...

fun memories! :(
She really was quite the trooper. She has to be tuff with 3 (or is it 4??) brothers!

Unknown said...

She was sure a trooper! I would not have handled that with such a cute grin!

Huffstuff said...

Those were fun days. She is blessed to have such a great family to help her. She is a tough one too, nothing will slow her down.