Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tyson Tyson Tyson

Last night, Derrick had to call his elders quorum secretary to remind him of an early morning meeting on Sunday. His name is Tyson Harris. So he grabbed the phone and pulled up the caller ID and scrolled down to Tyson's name and hit dial. His wife answered, and Derrick left her a rather lengthy message to pass along to her husband about the Sunday morning meeting. He reminded her that it was going to be ward conference so the stake pres would be there, etc. etc. etc......

After a while she politely asked what in the heck he was talking about. It turns out, he had called Tyson Moser (my brother) and was talking to Mandi the whole time. She was so confused and taken back that she didn't even stop him, but just let him continue her ramblings. When she finally straightened him out and hung up, I'm thinking she probably peed her pants. That's just a guess though.

Derrick is a pretty smart fella, but boy, what a goof! And I love him for it.
Speaking of Tyson (the moser one)...HappyBirthday tomorrow!


Maria said...

Lol , that is too funny. At least it was Tyson Moser and not some other Tyson.
Tomorrow is Jordan's birthday.

tysonandmandimoser said...

I am still laughing my butt off about that. Derrick asked me to keep it between the two of us and I agreed, but I am SO glad you shared this freaking funny story on your blog. Now, others know about this hilarious moment and it wasn't me who told. I seriously can't stop laughing about it. I love Derrick! He was even explaining that it was a super early meeting due to day light savings and on and on, and I was trying to figure out what the heck he was talking about the entire time. SO SO FUNNY!!!

Nicky said...

That is so dang funny! Even funnier that it's not even Tyson's birthday!!! You guys ARE two peas in a pod. Hope Mandi had an extra pair of pants. :)