Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Magoo!

Myah had her birthday a couple of weeks ago.  And since I tend to run a couple weeks behind (at least) on blogging, I'll post a couple pictures now.

So here's the deal.  I'm a pretty ok cook.  My kids can't complain.  We certainly don't go hungry around here.  But.....I must admit that I have struggled in the birthday cake department.  Over the years, we've had some cakes where we just 'have to use our imaginations'.  Good thing kids have good imaginations.  I just always tend to get this great big idea in my head, and it never seems to work out.  So although this is a bit embarrassing, I'm going to share anyways.....

Myah wanted strawberry shortcake for her birthday.  Derrick doesn't really like strawberry shortcake.  So I thought I'd plant in her mind (like good mothers do), that she wanted this other strawberry cake that is so delicious!  It's a white cake with a cream cheese topping, and then topped with strawberries and danish dessert.  Normally, I would make it in a cake pan, but I thought I'd get fancy.  I mean, Myah really is that special.  So I decided to make a double layer cake, with cream cheese filling and the strawberries and danish on top.  It was looking pretty good, until I tried to top it off with the strawberry mixture.  Let's just say that the cake lacked integrity.  That the foundation wasn't strong enough. (Hmmm, sounds like a family home evening lesson just waiting to happen).   And just like the foolish man's house that was built upon the sand......The cake didn't survive.  I wasn't happy.  It took me half the day to put together this dumb cake.

Here's the best part though.  Myah LOVED it.  She was so excited to have her very own 'Volcano
Cake'!  And that is why Miss Magoo is so AWESOME!!!

So happy belated birthday little girl!  I don't know quite where the last 6 years have gone, but it has been such a HUGE blessing to have a sweet daughter around to enjoy life with!  


Dave Lucy & Marley Gurney said...

Can I tell you a secret?

Myah's always been my favorite. She is just sweet from head to toe.

Nicky said...

That cake is F.U.N.N.Y!!! That looks like a stunt I would pull - not you. I bet it still tasted fabulous tho.

She's really 6???? Wow, time does fly when your havin' fun.

Ratchfords said...

Awesome! It still looks very yummy!

tysonandmandimoser said...

Happy Birthday Myah!!! I LOVE that girl too.

farmgirl said...

While I have never made a 'volcano cake' I really think you and I may have gone to the same cake making class. I can do A LOT of stuff, and I'm a great baker....but, decorating cakes is NOT my forte'. In fact, I usually let the kids decorate their own. I'm a good mother like that. Then when it looks less than stellar, I just say, "Oh, you did such and great job!"

Huffstuff said...

Wow, 6 yrs old. I can remember seeing her out our window toddleing around, about Desmond's age.

Love the cake! I have never been sucessful in that department either. They taste good, just never look good. I love her imagination though.

Happy Birthday Myah!