Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yesterday, I planted the garden.  It took me all day.  Des' sandals gave him a blister on his foot.  So when he came out after his nap, I decided it might be better just to let him wear socks.  After a couple hours outside in his socks, this is what was left.

It looks like one of those biker gloves with no fingers.
And then this morning, he wanted to go back outside.  This is his shoebox (yes, it's an old diaper box, and I have no intention of upgrading in the near future).  But do you see anything wrong with this picture?  Look again....
There are no matches!  He has one of every shoe, but no matches to go with them!  Every time he wakes up, he grabs some shoes before even leaving his room and brings them to us, thinking that he can go outside.  And so they end up all over the house.  But he doesn't necessarily grab matching shoes, which leaves their matches still sitting in the box.  This is when I know it's time to clean up the basement (which I try to avoid at all costs) and clean out the car.  
My organizational skills are top notch I tell yu, top notch.


Nicky said...

I didn't notice the no matches in the box. I noticed the diaper. Then I noticed one of the shoes that I think we have only one just like it. Maybe we should compare and see if we have a pair if we combine.
Kam's socks all look like the biker gloves too. So I stopped putting the socks on, and now his toes look like his socks did - ouch!

Leslie said...

I so relate to this post!! You go girl! Being a Mom is so fun, isn't it? ha ha! :)

Mindy said...

I love the little toes sticking out, too cute! Try as I might, my boys shoes don't always make it to the shoe basket either, then the dreaded moment when they come asking where their shoes are!!! I love saying did you look in the basket, cuz you know that's where they go?

farmgirl said...

That picture is hilarious, love those toes sticking out.
And for the record, keeping track of the kid's shoes doesn't fall under 'organizational skills'---no, that's a category all it's own. It's called 'to dream the impossible dream'.

tysonandmandimoser said...

You better find lots to do outside, because I think you will be spending the summer out there. I hope it gets warm fast. I love that cute kid. I can just see him going 90 MPH. Good luck keeping up with him this summer. Hang-on it'll fly by, shucks!