Sunday, December 27, 2009

What an Adventure!

Last fall, some big changes took place in our family. And these 2 are the cause of all the excitement. These are my parents. My Idaho farmer. The kind that has dirt permanently ingrained into his hands. The kind that feels right at home on a tractor or out moving pipe. The kind that can't wait to get back to his farm after leaving on vacation for a few days! My mom....the wife of an Idaho farmer. Which means that she works hard. She's been known to spend more than a little time out in the fields, or in the potato cellar! But she's also my friend. She is a mother, a grandmother, a teacher, a counselor, a listening ear, a doctor....and she's my mom! Many years ago, these crazy kids decided that they had been on the receiving end of so very many blessings. They decided that when the time was right, they would be prepared to give back. So, after raising 8 kids, the time was right! We all knew it wasn't going to be easy, but we also knew that they were was time for them to serve the mission that they had waited for and anticipated for so many years!

So after the long process of paper work, doctors appointments, and a thousand other preparations, the call finally came! I'm not sure who was more excited, them....or us!
And the chosen place.......Marshall Islands! Cool! Sounds warm. Sounds tropical. Coconut. Pineapple. Bananas. Beaches. Sunshine. It's all good, right? It wasn't quite what we thought at first, but it was the place that they were meant to go.
After a few weeks (before they even left), however, the call was changed just a bit. My dad was called to be a counselor to the mission president and serve on Christmas Island (Kiritimati). It was a couple thousand miles away from the mission home, and he would serve over Kiritimati and Fanning Islands. Where there aren't any pineapples or bananas. Where there isn't any mail service. And there isn't any fresh water. No fertile fields (not the farming kind, at least....just the spiritual kind!). No mountains. No cell phones. No stores. Only sporadic electricity. But what an ADVENTURE!!!
After spending the entire summer spending every ounce of time we could together, the time had finally come. We had watched mom 'write her list, and check it twice', and three times, and four times. They needed to decide what to pack in their limited luggage space. There is not really any good way to ship things to them, and they don't have easy access to groceries (or anything else), so there was a lot of prioritizing done. The MTC was short and sweet. It was only a week, but I think we were all ready to get this adventure started! So they left on a happy/sad note. It was so hard to say good-bye. But seriously...could we be more proud of them? And off they went!

The airport wasn't quite what we're used to. But it looks like they had a welcoming committee!

And their new home.....I guess there wouldn't be much time wasted on keeping up on the place!
The chapel next to their house is more like what we're used to, but this is the chapel on Fanning Island, I think. Because of poor healthcare (or lack of healthcare), death seems to be pretty common place. And the simplicity of the burial process is just so different that what we're accustomed to. This is the cemetery.And the fashions are so different. But really, who wouldn't want to wear flip flops on their mission (guys included)?So while they left 8 kids behind, they seem to have adopted another 4 to keep them busy! There are only 1 set of elders and 1 set of sisters on the island, so they're pretty close.

Not to mention all of the beautiful and kind people that they get to spend the next year and a half with!

Sometimes it's funny what we take for granted. For instance....
The bathrooms on Fanning island.......Wow...can you imagine? I'd sure hate to have to go in the middle of the night!But really, isn't this what it's all about??? And so, yes, we're proud. And yes, we miss them so much. And yes, we wish we could go there and visit, but it's very expensive! But....yesterday, we got to call and talk to them. It was so AWESOME! It took me 2 days to finally get a phone card to work, but it was totally worth the wait!

So to my sweet parents....I love you both. You'll never fully know how much we have felt the special blessings on our little family that have come as a result of your service! Thank you so much for your example! And we're more than happy to share you with the sweet people that you're serving!
*In a future post, I'll tell you all about Derrick's parents who are serving a mission at the bishop's store house in Logan (first I need to gather some pictures, because a blog post just isn't the same without them). I LOVE the blessing of food storage, and I LOVE the people who donate their time to help us to follow our prophet!


farmgirl said...

Okay, fine. You got me crying. That is one of the sweetest, most heart warming posts ever.
It's a little bittersweet because my Idaho farmer, farm wife, parents of eight children parents are just waiting for my dad to be released from being bishop (three years down the road-no complaints here) so they can turn over the farm and get ready for a mission them selves.

Ratchfords said...

What an amazing post. And what an adventure!

Unknown said...

I am excited you got to talk to them! that is great news!

Huffstuff said...

I guess in RS the lesson was on crying is a gift.

Thank you so much for sharing this. Yes I cried. I don't know your parents, but I feel like I know that they are very special people to give this time in their lives to serve this mission. It can't be easy, yet they look like they are having the time of their lives. I know ALL your family will be blessed for their service.

jennaloha said...

This is the coolest, Kelli! Such great pictures! I bet they are missing their grandkids, but MAN, what amazing experiences they must be having. It would be the best dream come true for me to serve on the islands with Blake one day.

Oh, and I loved your Christmas card. It was a great idea! I didn't send cards this year, and regret that decision. So, no, you aren't off my list. There just wasn't a list this time.

Leslie said...

How great Kelli! That was an inspiring post! I sure hope we can do that someday! You have great parents!

Nicky said...

BooHoo...I've been on an emotional trip today anyways...just chalk this to my growing list of boohoo's. Ihaven't seen that picture of mom on the beach with the hat. How did I miss that one?

tysonandmandimoser said...

Gosh, that made me a bit teary-eyed. That was all so well said. Thank you!! I needed that right now. Now that you've got the calling thing all figured out, you need to tell me how you did it.

Melinda said...

What a great tribute to your parents! Awesome pictures and amazing experiences, I am sure!

bobbi said...

Very cool-- thanks for sharing. I'm getting around to updating my blog-- getting there!

Anneke said...

K. So I knew your parents were on a mission... but didn't know all the details. I'm sitting here wiping away my tears. I loved your words, the pictures and the feelings. Your parents are amazing people.