Saturday, December 19, 2009


Christmas isn't creeping up on us this year....It's flying towards us at incredible speed, and there's just no stopping it! So I figure I better finally post our Thanksgiving pictures before Christmas pictures take their place.

We spent Thanksgiving with Derrick's family in Smithfield, and we had a great time. The next morning we went out and did a little shopping without the kids (thanks Ira!). And managed to grab a couple good sale items. Although, have you noticed, that everything that was such a great deal on Black Friday, has met the same price several times since then? Only without the crowds, the chaos, and the craziness? So WHY did we drag ourselves out of bed so dang early? Because it's FUN!

So it's picture time....drumroll please.....

Ruth did such a great job at dressing up the ping pong table.
And it made for plenty of elbow room!
Tannon. What a great kid!
(& it looks like he ate all his veggies....or maybe he just didn't take any!)

Desmond was really loving the grub. I think he's a mashed potatoe kind of kid.

Apparently, Shawn is too.

This is Kira. I don't think she ever takes a bad picture. Here's da boys. What a good lookin bunch, hu?
Myah and Abby pose for this same picture every time we're together.
The only thing that changes is the background and the weather.

It's amazing how much taller Kira is. Is Myah really going to be that grown up in 3 years?
Here's Nicole. Talk about growing up fast....

This is the boys with their mom. Michael wasn't able to make it. But I love this picture, because when the guys are with their mom, the teasing and goofing off NEVER stops. S'ometimes I feel tired for her. (does that make any sense????)
And here's a couple of handsome fellas!
Like I was saying....
I love this little girl!

These are all of the kids (minus Josh, Sarah, and Ian).And before heading home, we even got to share a piece of birthday cake with this guy. (this is my nephew, Nathan). Having so much of both sides of the family in Smithfield has it's perks!


farmgirl said...

Oh, thanks for the post. I always love an update. Your kids are darling and Thanksgiving feels like eons ago....2010 here we come.

Nicky said...

Funny you are just posting Thanksgiving - I had the same thought yesterday...that I really wanted to post Thanksgiving before christmas. Maybe my goal should be to have this years posted before Christmas NEXT year! Loved all the pics.

Huffstuff said...

time with family is the best. So glad to see that I am not the only one late on a thanksgiving post. Hey and thanks so much for being such a caring friend. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. (I even got a 2 1/2 hr nap today)

Maria said...

I've NEVER thought it was fun to get up for black friday. I've only done it once or twice. We like to sleep in and order our stuff online. :D