Sunday, November 1, 2009

Good Thing...

I've never claimed to be a perfect parent. But I have nailed a thing here or there right on the head. I love it when I get something right. When we first moved in to our house, it was so nice and new. And clean. I remember promising myself and many witnesses that I would NEVER have a mormon basement. You know, the kind where the kids have free reign. And it smells wierd. And it's dirty. The kind where people store anything and everything that they don't want to be seen by the neighbors. Ya. That kind. So Rule Number One...has always been....NO FOOD IN THE BASEMENT! On special occassions, I may allow some popcorn to go down with the kids while they watch a movie. But that's about the extent of it. So imagine my surprise when I went down and pulled the cushions off of the couch to give it a quick vacuuming. (I mean, how bad could it be? After all....we don't eat in our basement!)

This is what I found....
I'm a particular fan of the half of a mountain dew can! We don't even drink Mountain Dew, as far as I am aware! But what do I know, right?
All I can say, is it's a darn good thing we don't let our kids eat in the basement!
One other interesting little had only been about 2 weeks since Skyler has cleaned out the couches, supposedly.


Huffstuff said...

Ya, good thing! We have the same rule, though broken daily and it drives me crazy. Why do we have a kitchen table? So they can eat down stairs when ever they want. UGH! The Mtn. Dew is a mistery though, where did that one come from? Prob found it's way from my house. haha. keep up the Good Thing!

Unknown said...

hahahaha! Well i am please to say we NEVER eat in our basement. Ever.

But its been known to happen in our family...which is actually on the 3rd floor.....

Maria said...

Wow! That is quite the stash. And I'll bet NO ONE knew anything about it! :)

Victoria said...

Ha ha make me laugh! What an interesting discovery!

Hammond Family said...

My children aren't allowed to eat in the family room. Yet everytime I clean under the cushions they always look just the way you found yours minus the can of pop, thats a new one!!! I'm glad I'm not alone!!

Nicky said...

Why would you clean your couch cushions? I didn't know people actually took time to do such things. Hmmmmm...wonder what I'd find if I actually did that. I guess it will have to remain a mystery since I'm not gonna do it!
(just kidding of course...maybe I'll clean it when all the kids are school age! :) )

farmgirl said...

Ohhh, my dear friend you may have just made my day. I'm so happy to know that I am not alone. (Que Micheal McLean "You're not Alone" music) Honestly, I swear I'm a pretty durn good housekeeper and I am certainly trying to teach my kiddos a thing or two about the technique, but I find messes like that ALL THE TIME! All I can say is we moms are sorely out numbered!! :o)

Janelle said...

We have the same rule and the same results in the couch downstairs! Ewww - makes me so mad but reminds me of a quote from President Barfuss saying that the couch looks like the kids store the 72 hour kit inside! (Cereal, treats, but mostly just wrappers!) Darn kids! :)

Leslie said...

I love it Kelli! You are so REAL. Glad to know that my couches aren't alone in their garbage collecting done by the "ghost" of the house.

Mark and Adrian said...

Maybe you should change your rules and let them eat down there and then maybe there won't be any trash in the cushions. HAHAHAHAH It's just a thought

Mer said...

We bought a couch with cushions that don't come off - think that will save us when Will goes off the all liquid diet? And vacuuming the couch was alway a job I hated because finding stuff in there creeped me out!

Jay and Rochelle said...

that is hillarious!! I couldn't help but laugh!

Tonya said...

Okay, so you are a typical mormon. Due to the fact that we have the exact same couches I would have an identical picture to this. Seth keeps saying, can i eat in the family room when I get my eagle? I say, maybe, but you can't leave dishes, etc. Yeah right. My sister lisa calls my couches and my car my 72 hour kit and that I should clean them out and put the findings on plates and make that the kids dinner. Gross but a very, very good idea. se ya