Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Little Peeps

Have you ever noticed that when we have babies, we give them the most ridiculous nicknames ever? Maybe it's because they can't really protest. While we were eating our Saturday morning waffles today, the kids were asking what their nicknames were when they were babies. I thought it was kind of funny to start listing them all...
Desmond...Little Prince
And if you put them all together....they're my little Peeps!

I wonder if I have some deep psychological connection to the letter 'P' that I never knew about. I mean, my favorite show is Prison Break, I love potatoes and pancakes, and I even love bacon and sausage (aka 'pork' which comes from pigs), and I'm sure if I really thought about it there may be more! So what is it with the letter 'P' anyways?


Maria said...

I think it is funny how the nicknames evolve as they get older. When we first brought McKay home from the hospital, Jordan and I both called him Mr. McKay a lot. That kind of wore off into our other names totally unrelated to McKay!

Nicky said...

You forgot a VERY important Pee every day!!!! Oh, that was gross - but certainly necessary ;) tee hee hee

Unknown said...

Positively Perfect!

Funny how those names just appear.

Victoria said...

I love it! We think so long and hard about what we will name our children and then we don't really call them that. So heres ours;
Kena = Bops, Jake=Quakie, Belle=Smelle,(poor belle) Bailee=Bayz or Goo.
We're not that creative I guess!

farmgirl said...

Don't forget you are from P-reston. Maybe that's where the whole thing originates from.