Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And Then There Were Two

I have a bunch of old Halloween pictures with all of my kids dressed up and so excited to hit the streets! But I guess things have changed around here. This year, Skyler went to a party, and didn't dress up. Zac stayed home and answered the door (due to an injury earlier in the day). Tannon also went to a party, and while he did dress up, I missed the photo op with him. So it was just Myah and Desmond. And since Zac answered the door, Derrick and I actually BOTH got to take them trick or treating this year. Boy, was I glad it was such a warm and nice Halloween evening. I usually use my door answering duties as an excuse to not have to brave the freezing Idaho Halloween weather. But not this year!
Hope y'all had a happy Halloween!


Nicky said...

they look so cute! I almost forgot the photo op too (me...ME...who NEVER misses a photo op). They were all running out the door when it occurred to me. I remember loving to dress up the kids - but that was when I only had one. Now it's just a headache - so I tell them to find something for themselves out of the dress up box. Yes, I deserve mom of the year award! It rained buckets here, so I still got to stay home.

jennaloha said...

Seriously, no coats and snowboots! Good thing because those angel wings would have been hard to fit a coat over...

I can't believe how much Myah looks like you in this picture!

farmgirl said...

You have adorable kids.

Just thought you should know.

Maria said...

Cute cute cute. I love how blond Des is. If they are the only two trick-or-treating, there shouldn't be TOO much candy, right? :)

Unknown said...

awww cute little ones. I have not had to go for 3 years. I am totally ok with that!