Yesterday I had a most amazing adventure. A bunch of my family members all signed up (and even showed up) to run the Top of Utah half marathon. It started up Blacksmith Fork Canyon and we ran into Providence....all 13.1 miles of it. It was really fun. My goal was to get around 2 hours (and I came in at 2 hours 17 minutes). I would have liked to have been 5 minutes faster, but it's all good. I had never run more than 10 miles before, so I was definitely nervous about miles 11, 12 and 13.
Thankfully, a sweet friend of mine found me at my lowest point and ran with me for a while. It was just the push I needed. (thanks Janelle!) And it all ended well. We all made it across the finish line, and I think that we all actually want to do it again.
Since we were running as a family, we decided to sport a family shirt. We found these neon green shirts that just couldn't be missed! It was really easy to spot each other! And since we are all from the Moser family, we had our shirts printed with the 'MO' theme. We each picked a word that we felt like would push us, or that described us. And here are the results.
Shawn....MO Alive
Nicky....Mo Determined
Me....Mo Strong
Mandi....Mo Mighty
Robin....Mo Sassy
Brittany...Mo Smokin
This is Mandi and I at the finish line. I want to be as fast as her some day.
This is my sister, Robin. She actually has 5 GRANDCHILDREN. Seriously!
And she kicked butt!
This is Brittany. She was the only other first timer (other than me). And she did great!
Here's Nicky. I think it was just last year that she came to cheer Mandi on at this very race, and dreamed of doing it herself one day. I don't know if she had ever really run at all since high school. And here she is!!!
And do you even know how happy I was to see these people at the finish line? Who could ask for a better cheering section!? I think that maybe they were proud of me. But I'm proud of them every single day.
Just on a side note....Jordan....we would LOVE it if we could work out a middle ground run sometime that we could all do! Maybe Southern Utah??? We missed you, little bro!
And as another side note....I just looked at the official times and places....I placed 1230th out of the 2012 people who showed up to run! That's not very encouraging. Oh well. Maybe next time I can place somewhere in the hundrends.....