Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Halloween...Is it really worth it?

Of course it is! What other time of year do we get to spend a ton of money on costumes and candy, so that our kids can go out and accumulate enough junk food to easily provide for our 2 year food storage?! Our house this year was filled with a little vampire, a werewolf, a cute little witch, and a not so little rock star (with a pretty successful pony hawk...inspired by the one and only Sanjaya, who if you have been living on another planet for the last year, was a not so talented contestant on american idol who had really great hair!). All in all, we had a fun Halloween...and I think for the first time in our Swaner family history, we made it the entire week of Halloween without anyone throwing up!

Skyler the rock star in the 'preparation phase' of the pony hawk, and below...the finished product!


Nicky said...

Skyler has the coolest hair! Who else can be Napoleon Dynamite one year, and Sanjaya the next?

Leslie said...

Hey Kelli!
I was so excited to read your comment on my blog! How are you? Your kids have grown up a ton too! They are so cute! I can't believe how big Myah is! She is darling! Don't you love the blogging world so we can stay in touch with each other? I will be checking your blog out now! :)
Leslie Doxey

Jen Merrill said...

i love the costumes! what cute kids you have! i hope your thanksgiving was wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Wow Sky I love the Hair!!! I miss spending Halloween together. Are the trunk or treats as big there as in Vegas?

Anonymous said...

I love reading the funny things your kids say, I may have to copy you and add it on my blog. Mainly so I can remember the things they say! Love it....