Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Space

I feel like my life as I know it has been taken over by my sweet kids.  I'm not talking about my time.  I really don't  mind that part of the whole plan.  I'm talking about my SPACE. I have no place in my house that is MINE(wow, that sounds really selfish, but it's not meant that way!).  That the kids stay out of. No place to go to get away from it all.  Here's the breakdown....

  • The living room...well, I'm happy to see all the craziness going on there.  That's what it's for, right?
  • The kitchen...same thing.  The more the merrier!
  • The family room...the kid's domain.  I very seldom enter. It's better that way.
  • The kids' bedrooms....are supposed to be cleaned every day.  But sometimes I pick my battles. After all, that's THEIR space, and everyone needs their space, right?
  • My exercise room/food storage room....the kids have discovered that there may be good snacks hidden there, so they help themselves. Granola bar and fruit snack wrappers clutter the floor most days. Now, if they want to actually exercise in there, I'm willing to share.
  • My bathroom....why do they like to use my shower instead of there's?  Good question.
  • The garage...overrun with bicycles, soccer balls, basketballs, sleds, and shoes.
  • My this is the one that is really making me crazy.  My bedroom has become the dumping ground for anything that nobody wants to put away or that doesn't have a pre-assigned home...laundry, books, movies, papers, shoes, gifts, etc. etc....
I WANT MY ROOM BACK!!!!  I think I might do something drastic today.  The DI could be getting a nice big donation by this afternoon.  I want my bedroom to be quiet, clean, organized, and free from household clutter. I don't mind if kids come in to talk, or even to cuddle, but please don't come in to watch tv, play computer games, color, eat, shower, get dressed, or dig through our drawers for clean socks.  Is that too much to ask? I guess I better get busy!


    Maria said...

    You would miss it if it were any other way, and you know it. Good times! - Jordan

    Nicky said...

    I hear ya sista...I feel your pain!

    tysonandmandimoser said...

    You are in one of those moods huh??? The DI will be so pleased, because I know that you and Tyson got that same gene and I know what he is like when he gets in one of those moods. I actually LOVE it when Tyson gets in that mood. We get rid of lots of stuff that I never dare to get rid of. I hope you have success. AND I hope you get your room back!

    Huffstuff said...

    SO glad I am not the only one with out my own space. And the shower thing totally happens here every day. The laundry, books, oh yeah pretty much sounds like you were decribing my house. I like your idea. Im taking charge too.

    farmgirl said...

    Having your own space is highly over rated, don't you know? Kinda like having sanity is over rated. ;o)

    Mark and Adrian said...

    We're doing the same thing at my house today in the very same room. Great minds think alike :)

    Unknown said...

    how frustrating! I am so fortunate that our kids leave our bedroom and bathroom alone. Good luck with you DI run.