Thursday, May 28, 2009

School's OUT!

School is officially out for the Pocatello Swaners. Although, I think it's technically been out for over a week now. (at least a full week has been dedicated to parties, movie watching, etc. etc) But now I know that it's really summer break. Just to verify and confirm this fact, I took a little walk around the yard, equipped with enough free space on the hard drive to document the evidence.

8:31 pm....The front doorway is now blocked with bikes, hoses, dishes, etc. etc. until September!
If you choose to come and visit, please watch your step!
8:33 pm....Kickball left in street.
8:35 pm....Slip n' Slide left in the front yard. (10:22 pm....still there)
8:43 pm...Zac playing soccer with ANYONE at all. Tonight, the lucky person is Desmond.
8:35 pm....Backyard mayhem! Skyler and all of his cronies shooting hoops, Derrick and the little kids having their wrestle-fest on the trampoline, and Desmond is just taking it all in. Notice the 16 pairs of shoes spread all over the lawn. Nice.
9:33 pm....Not quite dark, but just a pretty color of blue.

9:58 pm....killing june bugs with tennis rackets. The count for the night....20.

10:12 pm....Where's Skyler???
10:16 pm....Where's Skyler???
10:18 pm....Skyler is home, and wants dinner.
10:20 pm...Skyler is told that he missed dinner, and he grabs a handful of saltines and goes to bed feeling rather grouchy.
By the way...Derrick saved my laptop and rescued all of my thousands of pictures that I lost when it crashed. Whew!!! Thanks honey! I'm back in blogging business now!


Kent and Kathy Moser said...

Sounds AND LOOKS like normal family life to me.

Nicky said...

Schools not out here yet, and my yard ALREADY looks that way! Why weren't there any pictures of the inside of your house????? If it's like my house, you couldn't find your way around the inside! (I doubt yours is like that - even with school out). I was pretty impressed with the teenage slang you used there "cronies" - I've never even heard that word! I really am old.
Hope we get together more this summer then last, starting with now. What are you doing this weekend? I am on my own again, and am thinking of another hike - wanna come? Or I can even go your way - but I wouldn't have Ira with me, and that might bore Derrick to death.

farmgirl said...

I love your signs of summer- it is definitely here!!
And I'm glad your back--missed ya!!

Nicky said...

BTW: Good thing I didn't give up on checking your blog...IT'S ABOUT TIME! I'll forgive you this once, but don't put me through withdrawals again.

Unknown said...

Welcome back! I wish my yard was covered in summer. Stupid Utah schools.

Mark and Adrian said...

I missed you too Kelli!!! Welcome back.

Maria said...

Cute post. Looks like nice weather finally came to Idaho! Yay for summer!

Good job getting all your pictures back. Whew!

tysonandmandimoser said...

OK, I am almost in the mood to blog again. It is fun to read all of yours. I love SUMMER!!! Hope we can have that cookout soon.

Huffstuff said...

I love it. Summer is here. Even though we dread it. We do love it?? Ya we do. Glad Skylar could join the boys on Friday. He must have done a really good job for you. I guess there late night ended up being a traveling late night!