Ok, so it's been a while, right? I have been working really really hard in order to reach my goal of having everything done for Christmas a full week in advance so that I could relax and enjoy the holiday with my family! So after multiple trips to the post office (one of my least favorite things to do) and a half dozen Walmart excursions (even worse than the post office, but since we aren't lucky enought to have a Target...), school plays, gift wrapping, baking, cleaning, and the list goes on...I'M STILL NOT DONE!!! I am a 'list person' and I find great satisfaction in crossing 'accomplished items' off of my list, and while my list is getting shorter, it seems as though I keep adding more items to the bottem of the list! Bummer. That's OK though because we are so blessed in so many ways, who am I to complain??? I really just want to wish everyone a really MERRY CHISTMAS! I'll try and get some blogging done...after my list is accomplished!